How To Get To Ultra Space Pixelmon (2025)

1. Ultra Wormholes only show up at higher levels - Pixelmon

  • Jan 9, 2024 · There would be a config setting deciding the level that the player must have a Pokemon over in order to have Ultra Wormholes spawn naturally.

  • Pixelmon, the Pokemon Mod for Minecraft

2. Ultra Space | Pokémon Wiki - Fandom

  • After defeating Dusk Mane/Dawn Wings Necrozma the player character can use the Ultra Warp Ride to travel in the Ultra Wormhole, it have access to Ultra Space ...

  • Ultra Space is a network of several different dimensions accessible though a dangerous portal, the Ultra Wormhole. It is the home of the Ultra Beasts, some other people and Pokémon; each species of inhabitant of Ultra Space has its own dimension to live. Ultra Space is an interdimensional spatial realm filled with crystalline meteoroids and populated by Necrozma and multiple instances of members of the Cosmog line. It links to a number of different universes and dimensions through Ultra Wormhole

Ultra Space | Pokémon Wiki - Fandom

3. Ultra Space | MC-Complex Pixelmon

4. Guide to Ultra Space in Pokémon Ultra Sun and Moon - Smogon

  • The portal that allows the player to enter Ultra Space can be found at the Altar of the Sunne (Ultra Sun) or the Altar of the Moone (Ultra Moon), which can be ...

  • USM Ultra Space Guide

5. 2023 Pixelmon Legendary and Ultra Beast Guide! - Harmony

  • Jan 27, 2023 · To get to Ultra Space you need to be wearing crystal armor or be in ./god. Asking someone for a TPA is the easiest way to get into it. Note: ALL ...

  • Note: All information is taken from wiki, just put in an easier and more readable format! Note 2: I know formatting isn't perfect and I will update ...

2023 Pixelmon Legendary and Ultra Beast Guide! - Harmony

6. How do you enter the Ultra Wormhole? - Pokemon Database

  • Dec 8, 2018 · Ultra Wormholes are in Ultra sun and moon Dec 8, 2018 stall_fest · The Ultra space is only for US/UM like Octazooka said. You'll have to buy ...

  • 0 votes

7. Pixelmon crashing when im in ultra space - Minecraft Forge Forums

  • May 29, 2019 · I have the same problem, it crashes then shows that crash report, it also happens on the latest version.

  • What this mean ? ---- Minecraft Crash Report ---- WARNING: coremods are present: Contact their authors BEFORE contacting forge // Would you like a cupcake? Time: 5/27/19 6:05 PM Description: Rendering Block Entity java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1 at

8. Ultra Space Variants (Submissions: TENTAQUIL and LOLWUTCAR)

  • Feb 3, 2017 · These Pokemon have gone through odd changes, but somehow make them even stronger than usual. Astonishing, isn't it? A Pallosand from wherever it ...

  • Mechanics: With the existence of alternate dimensions and regional Variants, why hasn't anyone combined the two? Welcome to the world of Ultra Space. This world is inhabited by strange creatures called Ultra Beasts. However, oddly enough, stranger creatures called Pokémon have slipped into our...

Ultra Space Variants (Submissions: TENTAQUIL and LOLWUTCAR)

9. Dying enterning to Ultra Space | MC-Complex Pixelmon

  • which server are you on and have you tried from different areas. S · Sadelko. New member. Feb 20, 2021 · #3. Im on Red, and yes i try on different areas but ...

  • When i summon portal by using Arceus and next enter the portal i was being killing by Border.

10. Ultra Space Teleporter – Pixelmon Reforged Wiki

  • Ultra Space Teleporter. An Ultra Space Teleporter is a Pixelmon mod item with ID pixelmon:ultra_space_teleporter. In creative mode, it can be found in the ...

11. Ultra Space - Bulbapedia

  • Ultra Space (Japanese: ウルトラスペース Ultra Space) is an interdimensional realm from where Ultra Beasts may come, being accessible via Ultra Wormhole.

Ultra Space - Bulbapedia

12. Ultra Beasts - Pixelmon Generations Wiki

  • Jun 29, 2020 · Activate it by right-clicking the altar with a Flute respective to the time of day and a Light Trio Pokemon in your party. The player will then ...

  • Ultra beasts are new extradimensional legend-type Pokemon introduced in Generation 7. Ultra Beasts will only spawn in the Ultra Space dimension and will all share the ability Beast Boost. The Beast Ball is Used on these beasts as regular Poke-balls usually have little to no effect on them, not including Master Balls or Park Balls.

Ultra Beasts - Pixelmon Generations Wiki
How To Get To Ultra Space Pixelmon (2025)


How To Get To Ultra Space Pixelmon? ›

To enter Ultra Space, a player must either find a naturally spawned Ultra Wormhole or obtain the Pokémon Arceus, Solgaleo, Lunala, Necrozma, or Palkia. If the player finds a naturally spawned Ultra Wormhole, they will be able to mount a flying Pokémon or build-up to the portal and enter it.

How do you get to Ultra Space in Pixelmon? ›

Run around until you find one. There isn't really a "best" way to find them. In addition, if you have either Solgaleo, Lunala, Necrozma, Palkia, or Arceus they have access to an external move called "Spawn Portal" which you can use to spawn and Ultra Wormhole wherever you are.

How do you unlock Ultra Space? ›

The portal that allows the player to enter Ultra Space can be found at the Altar of the Sunne (Ultra Sun) or the Altar of the Moone (Ultra Moon), which can be directly accessed through the Ride Pager by flying to the northern area of Ancient Poni Path.

How do I get to Ultra Plant Pixelmon? ›

Ultra Plant is one of the several worlds of Ultra Space accessible though Rarity 1, 2 and 3 White Warp Holes in Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon after defeating Necrozma, it's the home of Xurkitree.

How do you claim space in Pixelmon? ›

You don't have to use the golden shovel to claim. Simply type /claim with an empty hand and right click the corners to set.

Can you go to Ultra Space in Pokémon sun? ›

Ultra Space is an odd extradimensional space accessible only via portal created by Legendary Pokemon Lunala (Moon) or Solgaleo (Sun) at the Altar of the Moone or Sunne in Vast Poni Canyon.

Can Ultra Beast be shiny? ›

Pokemon Go Community | If you catch an Ultra Beast Shiny (1/20 chance) on the 3rd try. | Facebook.

What is inbound from ultra space? ›

Pokémon Go 'Inbound from Ultra Space' event raid targets

The various Ultra Beasts will be in raids for one day each and there will be a raid hour each day from 6-7 p.m. featuring the respective beast. All of these can by shiny except Stakataka and Blacephalon.

What is ultra beast raid? ›

Ultra Beast Raids

Before a Gym is taken over by an Ultra Beast, one of a group of extradimensional Pokémon that originate from Ultra Space and were originally discovered in the Alola Region, you will see an Ultra Wormhole appear at the Gym along with a countdown clock.

Is Necrozma an ultra beast? ›

Cosmog, Cosmoem, Solgaleo, Lunala, and Necrozma are thematically related to the Ultra Beasts, and share many similarities with them, although they are not usually considered to be Ultra Beasts themselves. However, in some media, Necrozma is considered to be an Ultra Beast, although none of the other four are.

How to find Giovanni pixelmon? ›

As part of the quest, after beating all three Team Go Rocket leaders, you'll get a Super Rocket Radar, allowing you to hunt down Giovanni. Just like the leaders, Giovanni will appear in Team Go Rocket balloons or at taken over PokéStops with the Super Rocket Radar equipped.

How do I get to Ultra Space in Pixelmon? ›

To enter Ultra Space, a player must either find a naturally spawned Ultra Wormhole or obtain the Pokémon Arceus, Solgaleo, Lunala, Necrozma, or Palkia. If the player finds a naturally spawned Ultra Wormhole, they will be able to mount a flying Pokémon or build-up to the portal and enter it.

What is Ultra Space Pokémon? ›

Ultra Space (Japanese: ウルトラスペース Ultra Space) is an interdimensional realm from where Ultra Beasts may come, being accessible via Ultra Wormhole. Ultra Space and Ultra Wormholes were discovered and named by Professor Mohn of the Aether Foundation.

How do you use Z in Pixelmon? ›

In order to use z-moves, the player must have a Key Stone equipped (which can be obtained from defeating a mega-evolved boss pokemon or the /megaring command), and their pokemon must be holding a z-crystal corresponding to one of their moves.

How do you get the ultra ball lid in Pixelmon? ›

Ultra Ball Lid is obtained by putting a black, yellow and a black cooked apricorn next to each other in the crafting gui. It can be used to craft an Ultra Ball.

How do I get to ultra ruins? ›

Ultra Ruin is one of the several worlds of Ultra Space accessible through rarity 4 White Warp Holes in Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon after defeating Necrozma. It's the home of Guzzlord.

How do I get to the Ultra Deep Sea? ›

Ultra Deep Sea can be accessed through Rarity 1 warp holes in Ultra Warp Ride, within a couple of thousand light-years of Alola.

How do you get to the Ultra Wormhole in ultra moon? ›

The Ultra Wormhole is uncovered late into the story of Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon on Poni Island, and can be accessed at will at the Altar of the Moone/Sunne.

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