Updated on August 21, 2008
J.V. asks from New Lenox, IL
26 answers
I need to start working out. I have the desire and have watched 2 different info-commercials and am uncertain if I want to invest money in a workout video without some feedback. I really like the hip hop abs, thinking I could easily do this since I enjoy bouncing around when music is playing. Has anyone ever purchased or has a great workout video that they love or could recommend?
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answers from Chicago on
I have the 10 minute solution, fitness ball workout. It has 5 different 10 minute workouts and you can really feel it working. You just pick the one/s you want to do that day. My kids grab their bouncy balls and come do it with me (when I actually get to do it). I need to start getting back into it though.
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answers from Chicago on
My husband is a lifestyle coach and he could really help give you a system to follow to acheive the results you want.
On a side note, How is the At Home America working out for you?
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answers from Peoria on
I love Tae Bo with Billy Blanks. It is hard at first, but if you stick to it you will see good results. I started it after I had my daughter 5 years ago and lost 20 pounds in the first 3 months.
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answers from Chicago on
The Biggest Loser videos are actually fun and challenging. I also like the Firm (5 Day Abs/Tough Tape 2) and every once in a while there is a good Denise Austin one. I bought a treadmill so that I can change things up a bit and not have to rely on videos only. Good luck!
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answers from Chicago on
I just started "The Firm" a few days ago. I really like it so far...hopefully I can stick with it! I lost all of my baby weight within a few months, but have put some of it back on this winter. I was like you in thinking that a DVD would be the way to go since the weather has been so crummy.
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answers from Chicago on
J., I love the Dance with the Stars workout. It is basically dancing, but MAN-do you work up a sweat! I need exercise to NOT feel like exercise, so I really enjoy it. You can find it on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Dancing-Stars-Cardio-Dance/dp/B000M.... Good luck.
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answers from Chicago on
I love Tae Bo advanced. Very very good! It gives you a great workout, and you do see results. I have been doing this for the past 3 years 3x's a week. I haven't found another workout video that I've liked better. And the great thing is that I wasn't able to do a lot of the kicks and punches for the first 3-6 months. But now I am a pro. It releases a lot of stress and I feel good after I'm done.
Hope that works.
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answers from Chicago on
I love hip hop abs and Turbo Jam, it is so fun!!! I am now doing P90X, it is for hard core workout fans, it is supposed to be the most extreme home workout, I love that too!
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answers from Peoria on
I have really enjoyed a series of tapes called fabulously fit moms. The lady who does them, Jennifer Nicole Lee, lost 80lbs doing this program. The dvd's are about half an hour and then they also have a 10 minute segment from other tapes to preview.
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answers from Chicago on
I really enjoy the dancing with the stars video. It consists of a warm up and cool down and four dances. The first time I tried it I only did two dances and really thought whats the big deal. Then I woke up the next day. Yes it works.
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answers from Decatur on
Check some out at the library. I have a bunch of different ones. I am liking some of the Core videos. In great shape I like I want that body w/ Tammy lee but after seeing all these other types..well...they all have similar qualities and different styles. Some of the Pilates are fun to do also. I would check some out and see what you like and who you like and go from there.
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answers from Chicago on
As an aerobics instructor, the Turbo Jam tapes look great. However, I would caution using them if you are not a regular exerciser. Why? She goes so fast that it would be easy to use bad form and risk injury. (Same goes for Tae Bo... great workout, potential for bad form).
If you have cable and Comcast is your provider, their OnDemand has exercise segments the Sports and Exercise category. Many of them are only twenty minutes which is perfect with a little tike.
If you don't have cable, I would recommend any video by Denise Austin.
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answers from Champaign on
After kids I found that I did not have much energy, so I loved pilates. Pilates is mostly done laying on the floor. Denise Austin's Mat Pilates is great and you don't need bands or anything. It had a 20 min pilates workout and a 20 min yoga/pilates workout.
I would also recommend trying out what you can at the library. I've borrowed a few Winsor Pilates from her (and have some at home), but some of them don't go fast enough to keep up my heart rate (if you memorize the routine, you can fix that). Mari Winsor does have some that focus on abs, butt & thighs and wow, it was a good workout.
Good luck.
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answers from Chicago on
After more that 6 years I love my Tae Bo Advanced workout.The punching & kicking are such a release for frustration.I alternate with an elliptical or treadmill.
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answers from Chicago on
Hi J. V,
I love the exercise video by chalene johnson, turbo jam. it is exciting and fun it's not like the old exercise tape.I really recommend this dvd if you want to have fun sweating and losing inches. you can go to the website BEACHBODY.COM. There also a favorite serious familiar one,TAEBO by Billy ____@____.com.
Those are the ones that I really enjoy I hope I help.
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answers from Champaign on
Leslie Sansone has good Christian based music and has different impact levels. Walk the Walk, Walk Slim, and Walk away the Pounds has a package you can buy with arm resistent bands. Good luck and keep on doing whatever you do to keep your heart pumping!
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answers from Chicago on
I LOVE my hip hop abs!
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answers from Chicago on
I love the 10-min Solution DVDs, b/c having a 1yr old and a 1 1/2 yr old makes it hard to get that full 1/2hr-1hr I want all in a row. There's several of these out there and the one I've been into for a while right now is the Kickboxing Boot Camp one. You can do all the workouts (total of 5 @ 10min ea) and set up what order you want them in or you can do them individually through out the day and the interuptions of childhood! He-he. I keep my rotation going through Blockbuster Online. There's so many to choose from so you don't get bored and they just get sent to your house!!!
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answers from Chicago on
If you like dancing I personaly enjoy the Belly dancing workout tapes by Neena and Veena (hard to miss the twin belly dancers on the cover) the Basic moves is a all over workout they also have tapes that target arms/abs, hips buns ans thighs. If you have netflix they carry most of their line as well as others you can rent them and try them out before purchasing.
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answers from Chicago on
You should check out collagevideo.com They have tons of videos, with descriptions, and some with video clips. They tell you how much cardio, toning ect. is in the video, how long each segment is, and what body part it works. I personally love Leslie Sansone's walking videos. They are easy to follow for those of us who have trouble following/changing movements in most aerobic videos.
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answers from Champaign on
I bought the core secrets video series off a info commercial for 9.95, it is great, and I got the next two vidoes,they sent them right away and I called and argued about it and got them really cheap. They are great videos and start out slow, it comes with the big ball and you just need some 2-3 lbs weights to get started. The ball works unbelievable places and you dont feel like you are using those mucles. You might try the same thing at Wal-Mart also. Good luck
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answers from Bloomington on
I don't have a specific video to recommend, but I would echo the advice about checking out the library to see what you like before you invest in a video. If you like a lot of variety, maybe you just want to keep checking out different things from the library instead of buying something. Also, you might be able to find an exercise show on TV that you could record to do whenever you want. Check out all of your options & good luck to you!
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answers from Peoria on
I really love the Biggest Loser exercise video. But I also do love the show. There are 2 older workout tapes- I love the first one. And I know there are some newer ones that I have not tried. I just love the show so the videos are motivation for me. They work you but you can get a workout done in about 30-45 minutes.
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answers from Chicago on
I LOVE Womans Health workout with Amy Dixon. I bought it at Target. it's 30 minutes and you can burn up to 500 calories. it really flies by and it is cardio/strenght interval. I have done so many tapes and this one is my #1. THe other favorite is Self Transforming DVD. it's got 3 workouts (strenght, cardio & mixed). really good workouts.
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answers from Chicago on
ive bought them both and gave up!!! i got to the point where i wanted to do my own thing, not follow - i do better sticking to workign out everyother day watching tv or listening to the radio - i like that much better!
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answers from Chicago on
Slim in Six is a really great series, but the tapes are kind of long. That is the only downfall. They are each about an hour which is hard to fit in when you are a mom. However, I don't know if you have a playstation 2, but there is a disc called YourselfFitness and it's like having your own personal trainer. It's a lot of fun. You build a profile and then you can choose how long you want your workouts to be, on what days you want them, etc. They can tailor a meal plan for you based on how many calories you want to consume in a day too. It keeps it interesting and you don't feel bad if you can't keep up. You can check out more info on it at http://www.yourselffitness.com/
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